Online Coaching

Online Coaching

Cancelled your gym membership?

Wanting to get fit in the comfort of your own home?

Lacking in motivation?

Are you looking for…
>More frequent contact<
>No traveling to appointments<
>Clear and detailed guidance on the best action to take for your goals<
>Personalised workouts, nutrition, lifestyle, injury advice<


  • Initial Skype/telephone or email consultation to set your goals, discuss your training history and get to know your strengths and weaknesses
  • A monthly training plan, designed specifically for you, which evolves in response to your feedback. We don’t just give you a generic training programme & send you on your way.
  • A monthly catch-up call to review your progress, discuss challenges and plan ahead
  • Nutritional advice

Basic Plan
£60 a Month
(£15 Per week)


Includes everything in basic with the addition of:

  • Weekly check ins and Feedback on sessions via Whatsapp & email
  • Zoom catch up every 2 weeks
  • Data, progress tracking
  • Tailored dietary Macros
  • Movement assessment when needed.

Premium Plan
£85 a Month
(£21.25 Per week)

Tailored Fitness Plans

  • Our full body fitness plan altered to your currently fitness level and your goals.
  • Includes exercise tips, injury advice and information on how to calculate and track your nutrition.
  • Plan is sent out in 2-week blocks after fortnightly check in over email.

4 Week Plan

8 Week Plan

12 Week Plan

Un-Tailored Fitness Plans

  • Our standard full body fitness plan but without the follow up support.
  • Ideal for those who need some inspiration but the happy to go it alone.
  • Plan sent out in 4-week blocks.

4 Week Plan

8 Week Plan

12 Week Plan

Contact Me
Let's chat!

Need more information? Send me an email or drop me a line. I don’t bite!

4 Week Plan